Saturday / February 22

Several ago, a video meme of an exuberant penguin went viral. The penguin was scurrying back and forth in front of its fellow penguins – flapping its fins wildly.  There were actually two versions of that meme. The descriptive text underneath one version read something like:  “He’s just returned from a weekend business conference.”  And the second:  “He’s just finished

For the past five years my organization, InnovateEd, has supported a network of 30 school districts from across California to develop cultures, build capacity, and create coherent systems. We use a framework for systemic improvement to guide efforts at the district, school, and classroom levels toward creating a coherent system of continuous improvement. My new book, Districts on

Introduction  In this three-part series, I write a lot about three of my favorite educational words and concepts: PREVENTION, INTERVENTION, and INTENTION. Each represents power-packed strategies that are a result of my research, evidence, and experience; they are the ‘how tos’ that finish incomplete, well-meaning educational advice telling us ‘what’ to do. In this series, Part 1