Monday / March 10

Teaching Numeracy Book Study Guide

Teaching Numeracy

Download the Teaching Numeracy Book Study Guide.

During the past four years, I am delighted to share that Teaching Numeracy has been the focus of many book studies, Professional Learning Communities (PLC), and district-wide initiatives.

How grateful I am to hear my 10-year research in numeracy is being applied in classrooms everywhere. I am humbled by the positive feedback and appreciate that teachers are delving deep into what it means to not only know numbers and number facts but understand how making sense of numbers is critical to success in life.

I created this metacognition log offered by Corwin to help spark meaningful conversations. It is designed to cultivate pause and reflection. I wanted readers to respond personally to what is important, to make connections with the ideas provided, and to ask questions along the way.

I would be more than honored and pleased to join your reading group. Happy reading!

Download the Book Study Guide

Written by

Margie Pearse has over 30 years of teaching experience with certifications in mathematics, elementary education, English as a Second Language (ESL), and Pennsylvania Quality Assurance Systems (Certified Instructor – PQAS 2014). She is presently at Chester Community Charter School as a Math Coach and in graduate education, training pre-service teachers how to create deeper, more numeracy based lessons.

Margie’s passion is to share a love of math with teachers and students! Her goal is to empower every student with the tools and strategies needed to be fluent and flexible with numbers. Margie’s educational philosophy can be summed up as such, “Why NOT reinvent the wheel! Yesterday’s lessons will not suffice for students to succeed in tomorrow’s world. We need to meet students, not just where they are, but where they need to be. There is great potential in every child. It is our job to empower students to discover that potential and possess the tenacity and self-efficacy to reach it.”


Published Books: Teaching Numeracy: 9 Critical Habits to Ignite Mathematical Thinking, released by Corwin in 2011; Learning That Never Ends, released by Rowman & Littlefield in 2013; and Passing the Mathematics Test for Elementary Teachers, by Rowman & Littlefield, February 2015.

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