Tuesday / March 25

Contributed by Tony Sinanis and Joe Sanfelippo In a time when discussions about education are dominated by standards, high-stakes testing, increased budget cuts, and educator evaluation systems, we believe the time has come for educators to refocus the lens on what matters most—students and learning! How can

This post was originally published on Brilliant or Insane. [caption id="attachment_3950" align="alignleft" width="300"] via:[/caption] Ask any of the thousands of teachers who regularly use Twitter, Pinterest, or Facebook about connected education, and you may get an earful about using digital tools as a means to connect

Contributed by Allan R. Bonilla Anyone who follows education at all has certainly heard about charter schools. The movement started some 20 years ago as a choice option for parents of students who were required to attend their neighborhood schools, even though these neighborhood schools were considered