Saturday / July 27
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Dr. Sonja Cherry-Paul is an educator with more than 20 years of classroom experience who has written several books that support reading and writing instruction and has adapted the #1NYT Best Seller, Stamped (For Kids). Sonja leads professional development for schools and organizations in equity and antiracism.   

Tricia Ebarvia is a lifelong educator, author, speaker, and literacy consultant. Since 2021, Tricia has served as the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at a Pre-K to 8 independent Quaker school in Philadelphia. Tricia’s deep belief in education as a vehicle for social change and justice undergirds and informs all her practice. 

Dr. Edward Fergus is Professor of Urban Education at Rutgers University – Newark, with a distinguished career marked by his extensive scholarship on educational policy and outcomes, particularly focusing on Black and Latino boys’ academic and social engagement, disproportionality in special education and suspensions, and school climate conditions. He has published over four dozen articles, book chapters, evaluation reports, and five influential books. His latest release is Desegregating Ourselves: Challenging the Biases that Perpetuate Inequities in Schools