Saturday / July 27
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Dr. Edward Fergus is Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership at Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development at New York University. Dr. Fergus is a practitioner and researcher whose work explores the effects of educational policy and practices on the lives of people living in vulnerable conditions. Dr. Fergus has been a secondary school history teacher, evaluator of state and federal programs, and program director of out-of-school time programs. Most recently served as Deputy Director of the Metropolitan Center for Urban Education (2004-2013) and during this time he directed the state contract with the New York State Department of Education on disproportionality and conducted numerous studies on educational equity on boys of color, and school practices. Fergus also was appointed in 2011 to the Yonkers Public Schools Board of Education and currently serves on the Governor’s New York State Juvenile Justice Advisory Group. Fergus continues to provide consulting services to school districts addressing disproportionality. These services involve conducting trainings with principals and district personnel, data analysis workbooks, and one-on-one coaching. His book Solving Disproportionality and Achieving Equity: A Leader’s Guide to Using Data to Change Hearts and Minds is publishing in October 2016.