Saturday / February 15
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Between them, Delores, Raymond, Eloise, and Randall have coauthored well over a half dozen books, including Culturally Proficient Leadership: The Personal Journey Begins Within, Second Edition (Corwin, 2018). Check out their entire Cultural Proficiency library here.


A Professor of Educational Administration at Cal State University, Delores B. Lindsey uses cultural proficiency tools to make the learning arena more equitable. She is also a facilitator and cognitive coach.


Raymond D. Terrell has over 40 years of experience dealing with diversity and equity issues. He has been a Professor of Educational Administration and  Dean of the School of Education at Cal State L.A., as well as the  Special Assistant to the Dean for Diversity Initiatives at Miami University.


Eloise K. Terrell is a lifelong champion for social justice, equity and inclusion and has spent ten years supervising a progressive day care center. She has been active in voter registration efforts and managing election campaigns for candidates who held moral and ethical positions.


A Professor at Cal State L.A., and Interim Dean of Education at Cal Lutheran, Randall B. Lindsey has focused his time on the importance of diversity. He does so by working with colleagues to design programs for schools, city-wide agencies, and organizations.