Monday / March 24

The Gift of Confidence

The post-pandemic reality is that students have lost faith in themselves as capable learners. Many didn’t return to school and we currently face a storm of chronic absenteeism, high dropout rates, and frequent emotional crises among teens. Far too many students are giving up and feeling hopeless.

We know how to help students believe in themselves and experience greater learning success.

In Give Our Students the Gift of Confidence, I offer proven remedies reflective of the reality that learning success is as much about emotion as intellect and specific classroom strategies that rebuild and maintain student confidence in themselves as capable learners. I have created an interactive video workshop, which I have shared below, that highlights the key points of the book and illustrates how some of these strategies can play out in the classroom.

I hope you will view it, and, if you find it worthy, please feel free to share with your professional network.


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Rick Stiggins has devoted his professional life to understanding keys to student academic success in the classroom. His mission has been to help teachers, school leaders, policy makers, and school communities apply research-based policies and classroom practices that help all students experience the highest-possible levels of learning success.

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