Monday / March 24

Recognizing Learning Through Self-Questioning

Short post description: If we want students to become visible learners and to truly be their own teachers, we need to teach them how to use self-questioning to guide their learning.

From the series: Developing Students’ Ownership of Learning—from a Distance, too!

Post #6: Recognizing Learning Through Self-Questioning

Well, we’ve come to the end of our series on assessment-capable, visible learners. This is the last entry focused on the teacher and student materials we developed to teach students how to take increased responsibility for their learning. We hope that these materials have been useful as you transitioned to distance learning with your students. Having said that, we hope the resources build habits with students that they can use irrespective of their learning environment.

Self-Questioning is a Powerful Tool

The final resource we’ll provide teaches students to use self-questioning to guide their learning.  Self-questioning is another powerful tool that transcends the learning environment. Students can self-question in a school building or online, if they have been taught to do so and are provided the space and encouragement to practice.

Ideally, assessment-capable learners take responsibility to teach others. We hope that the lessons we have provided thus far have encouraged students to take more responsibility for their learning and that you will share with them their responsibility to teach other people.  After all, when you teach someone else, you get a chance to learn again.  

Sample Lessons

In these pages, we focus on helping students develop a habit of self-questioning.

Lesson for Grades 6-12: Teacher pages and learner pages

Lesson for Grades 3-5: Teacher pages and learner pages

Written by

Douglas Fisher, Ph.D., is Professor of Educational Leadership at San Diego State University and a teacher leader at Health Sciences High & Middle College. He is the recipient of an IRA Celebrate Literacy Award, NCTE’s Farmer Award for Excellence in Writing, as well as a Christa McAuliffe Award for Excellence in Teacher Education. He is also the author of PLC+, The PLC+ Playbook, This is Balanced Literacy, The Teacher Clarity Playbook, Grades K-12, Teaching Literacy in the Visible Learning Classroom for Grades K-5 and 6-12, Visible Learning for Mathematics, Grades K-12The Teacher Credibility and Collective Efficacy Playbook and several other Corwin books.  Nancy Frey, Ph.D., is Professor of Literacy in the Department of Educational Leadership at San Diego State University. The recipient of the 2008 Early Career Achievement Award from the National Reading Conference, she is also a teacher-leader at Health Sciences High & Middle College and a credentialed special educator, reading specialist, and administrator in California. She has been a prominent Corwin author, publishing numerous books including PLC+The PLC+ PlaybookThis is Balanced LiteracyThe Teacher Clarity Playbook, Grades K-12Engagement by DesignRigorous Reading, Texas EditionThe Teacher Credibility and Collective Efficacy Playbookand many more.  To view Doug and Nancy’s books and services, please visit Fisher and Frey Professional Learning. 

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