Tuesday / March 4

Free Resources to Help Prepare for COVID-19 and Online Teaching

We are now living in a period of unprecedented uncertainty. COVID 19—now a pandemic—has already impacted our lives in immeasurable ways. From school closures, to enforced quarantines, to the daily barrage of information and misinformation that dominates our social media, it often seems that we have little control. And yet, in the midst of such unpredictability, arises an essential truth: we need each other. Now, more than ever.

Our promise to you: we at Corwin remain steadfast in our pledge as your partner in professional learning. To provide some initial support, we’ve compiled free resources to assist you as you begin to transition to online learning.

Online Teaching Toolkit

Teachers will find resources here for setting up a digital classroom, assessing in an online environment, providing quick and quality feedback to students, and communicating with parents.

School Leaders’ Online Toolkit

This toolkit provides school leaders with resources for creating a pandemic response plan, locating accurate and up-to-date information about the virus, communicating with staff and stakeholders, partnering with local organizations, and preparing your school to teach and learn online.

Both sites are being updated regularly with new resources and templates, so please sign up here to receive ongoing updates about new tools.

You can expect much more assistance in the coming days and weeks. Or, if you have any additional suggestions for how we might help, don’t hesitate to reach out directly. Together, we’ll brave through this doing what we do best: ensuring that every student learns not by chance, but by design.

Written by

Mike Soules is President of Corwin, the leading provider of innovative professional services and publications for P-20 educators. Corwin is committed to collaborating with schools, districts and departments/ministries of education to deliver training and tools that build capacity, are evidence based and have a positive change on instructional practice. Through long-term partnerships with authors, policy makers and associations Corwin sits at the nexus of research to practice and practice to research. Mike is most proud of the talented and dedicated all-star team that help bring Corwin’s work to life every day.

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