In my last blog, The 5 Teachers You Meet in Professional Learning, I described a handful of trends in teacher personas. It was shared a lot on social media, so I’m thinking it struck a chord. Now, in this sequel, let’s play some more with these personality types. I developed this quiz as a lighthearted way to get you to do some serious business: to reflect on your openness to change, ongoing learning, and mentoring others—because from our house to the white house, whether in a faculty room in Manhattan, New York or Manhattan, Kansas—we rise and fall on our ability to improve on the status quo. As teachers, we can literally find greater job satisfaction and overall life happiness through professional learning. But we have to be in it to win it.
Are you game?
Let’s go!
Don’t overthink things as you answer the following questions. We know that we can be blends of a couple of types, or one type on cranky Monday mornings and another type later on. What you are after here is thinking about what kind of role you tend to play in the ecosystem of the faculty—either consciously or unconsciously—and what you might do to get more out of professional learning.
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