Wednesday / March 26

What’s Your Professional Learning Style? Take the Quiz!

In my last blog, The 5 Teachers You Meet in Professional Learning, I described a handful of trends in teacher personas. It was shared a lot on social media, so I’m thinking it struck a chord. Now, in this sequel, let’s play some more with these personality types. I developed this quiz as a lighthearted way to get you to do some serious business: to reflect on your openness to change, ongoing learning, and mentoring others—because from our house to the white house, whether in a faculty room in Manhattan, New York or Manhattan, Kansas—we rise and fall on our ability to improve on the status quo. As teachers, we can literally find greater job satisfaction and overall life happiness through professional learning. But we have to be in it to win it.

Are you game?

Let’s go!

Don’t overthink things as you answer the following questions. We know that we can be blends of a couple of types, or one type on cranky Monday mornings and another type later on. What you are after here is thinking about what kind of role you tend to play in the ecosystem of the faculty—either consciously or unconsciously—and what you might do to get more out of professional learning.

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Patty McGee is a Literacy Consultant whose passion and vision is to create learning environments where teachers and students discover their true potential and power. Patty’s favorite moments are when groups of teachers are working with students collaboratively in the classroom. She does her best literacy research by practicing on her two children. Prior to her work as Literacy Consultant, she was Coordinator of Professional Learning in Literacy with the Northern Valley Curriculum Center. Previously, Patty was a fourth grade teacher, a Library Media Specialist, and a Literacy Coach. Patty received her Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education at Loyola University in Maryland, an Associate School Library Media Specialist certification through Rutgers University, and her M.Ed. in Teacher Leadership through Montclair State University. Patty has also studied literacy and literacy coaching through Teacher’s College Reading and Writing Project and Iona College. She has received the Milken Educator Award (2002), worked as a consultant for Workman Publishing, Scholastic, and Corwin, and served on several committees for the New Jersey Department of Education. Furthermore, she has been an adjunct professor at Montclair State University and presenter at the ILA, NCTE, ASCD, and Learning Forward national conferences. Patty is the author of Feedback That Moves Writers Forward: How to Escape Correcting Mode to Transform Student Writing.

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