Thursday / February 13

Assessing English Language Learners [Excerpt]

The notion of assessment is expanding! In the updated new edition to her classic bestseller Assessing English Language Learners, Margo Gottlieb introduces an assessment model as, for, and of learning that revolves around the involvement of students, teachers, and administrators as the primary decision makers. In this model, five forms of assessment create a continuum across these three approaches. Download this sneak preview chapter to see how these three approaches can occur simultaneously at the classroom, grade, and district levels to promote more equitable assessment practices for English language learners.


To order your copy of Assessing English Language Learners: Bridges to Educational Equity by Margo Gottlieb (coming March 22!), please visit

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Margo Gottlieb, Ph.D., is Lead Developer of WIDA, a consortium of 39 state education agencies and 200 international schools, housed at the University of Wisconsin- Madison. Earlier this year, Margo was honored by TESOL International Association “as an individual who has made a significant contribution to the TESOL profession within the past 50 years.” Margo is author of Assessing English Language Learners: Bridges to Educational Equity (2nd Edition) and co-author of the Corwin series Academic Language in Diverse Classrooms with separate volumes for English Language Arts, Mathematics, Definitions and Contexts for Grades K-2, 3-5, and 6-8. She can be contacted at

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