Wednesday / February 12

New Podcast: Teaching the iStudent with Mark Barnes

Announcing: The Corwin Podcast!

Teaching the iStudentIn this episode, Corwin Connected Educators Series Editor Peter DeWitt interviews Mark Barnes, author of Teaching the iStudent.

Accustomed to constantly-evolving mobile technology, our students crave more than paper and pencil can provide. Veteran teacher, renowned author, and tech expert Mark Barnes shows how educators can use mobile devices and social media to create a win-win for teaching and learning.

This inspiring resource describes how to

  • Mentor students in responsible use of technology
  • Use technology to encourage positive collaboration beyond the classroom walls
  • Benefit from teaching examples, K-12 lesson ideas, and a teacher-friendly technology glossary

Learn how to make technology a catalyst in your classroom—one that builds students’ aptitudes for critical thought and partnership. To explore the other books in this series, visit the companion website.

“Any educator can’t go wrong by reading anything Mark Barnes writes! I’m a big fan of his books and what he shares online.”
— Larry Ferlazzo, Award-Winning Teacher, Blogger, and Author
Helping Students Motivate Themselves

Listen to the podcast here:

Written by

Mark Barnes is a veteran classroom teacher, education consultant, and author of the critically acclaimed Role Reversal: Achieving Uncommonly Excellent Results in the Student-Centered Classroom and The 5-Minute Teacher: How do I maximize time for learning in my classroom (ASCD, 2013). Mark is the creator of the internationally recognized how-to video site for teachers,, and the popular online magazine, Mark tweets at the handle @markbarnes19. He is the author of Assessment 3.0, Teaching the iStudent, and 5 Skills for the Global Learnerpart of the Corwin Connected Educators Series.

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