Monday / March 3

Highlights from the Connected Education #EdTechChat

#edTechChatOn Monday night, Corwin Connected Educators Series Editor Peter DeWitt and Associate Editor Ariel Price co-moderated #EdTechChat, a weekly Twitterchat that discusses current topics in Educational Technology. The topic for that night was Connected Education, in honor of Connected Educators Month and the launch of the Corwin Connected Educators Series.

We had a great time co-moderating and were excited to see so many of our Corwin authors and friends show up to connect with other educators and talk about how Connected Education has made a difference in their schools. You can see highlights from the chat below, but here’s a little recap:

  • #EdTechChat was TRENDING on Twitter!
  • 1894 Tweets were sent
  • 298 educators participated
  • That equals 27.9 tweets per minute, or about 6.36 tweets per person

Q1: What’s your story? How did you get connected?

Common answers:

  • A friend recommended (or pushed) them to join Twitter
  • Twitter was assigned for a class
  • It was the best way to find new ideas

Q2: What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned from your PLN?

Common answers:

  • Educators aren’t alone, even though it feels that way at times
  • We are all better together
  • Take risks and don’t be afraid to try new things

Q3: How has being a Connected Educator made an impact in your school?

Common answers:

  • More teachers are beginning to use Twitter and form PLNs
  • Educators have found more ideas to try in class
  • Great relationships have been made

Q4: What are you doing to get other people connected?

Common answers:

  • Giving PLN members credit for good ideas
  • Inviting people to Twitter/Edcamps/other tools
  • Leaders are encouraging the responsible use of social media in school

Q5: What are your favorite tools for connecting?

Common answers:

  • Twitter
  • Voxer
  • Blogging

Q6: What are the hottest topics in Connected Education?


  • Coding
  • Gamification
  • Student empowerment/voice
  • Blogging
  • Google Apps for Education
  • Classroom redesign
  • Personalizing learning
  • Mindset
  • Global learning
  • Digital citizenship
  • Family/community engagement

Thank you so much to everyone who participated! We’re excited to keep learning and connecting!

Written by

Ariel is the Acquisitions Editor for Teaching Essentials at Corwin, and editor of Corwin Connect. When not working, you can usually find Ariel hiking, rock climbing, practicing yoga, reading with a glass of wine, or writing a book review on her blog, One Little Library.

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