Monday / March 10

The 8th Annual Visible Learning Conference, originally slated for New Orleans, streamed live on Zoom with almost 1,000 colleagues online with us. The conference opened with our MC, Sonja Alexander, welcoming attendees with the New Second Line Song by Mardi Gras Big Shots and Milton

Math practice doesn’t have to be all exercises and worksheets. You know that, but do your students’ parents know that?   Families probably know far more about teaching now after supervising hours of Zoom lessons during the various degrees of sheltering in place that families have experienced since the

When the governor of Massachusetts declared that learning would continue while schools are closed, he added that the creativity of teachers would get us through this quarantine. Indeed, the creativity and hard work of teachers keeping students focused and engaged with learning has been impressive. However, we all have to shift our thinking in order to make distance learning work for each student. Teachers are only one third of the equation. Teachers must rethink how to structure learning so that parents and students can develop routines and apply self-direction skills to accomplish