Wednesday / March 26
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Pam Moran, superintendent of Albemarle County Public Schools in Virginia, has been a middle school science teacher, elementary principal, and assistant superintendent. She has served as a past-president of the Virginia Association of School Superintendents as well as the Women Educational Leaders of Virginia. She currently serves as a board member of the State Higher Education Council for Virginia and is a past member of the AASA Governing Board. Recognized as a national Tech Savvy Superintendent in 2010 and recipient of the Bammy Superintendent’s Award in 2013, she has presented and keynoted at numerous state and national conferences including NSBA, ISTE, VSTE, TIE-Co, VitaLearn-VT, DML, EduCon, ITSC, SLJ, COSN, VAASCD, NSTA, ICT-Tipperary, Ted-x and more. Active in social media, she has blogged for AASA, EDSurge, Edleader21, MakerEd, Edurati Review, Cooperative Catalysts, and Connected Superintendents as well as for her school district and at her own personal site, A Space for Learning. She currently co-hosts ChangeEd for Bam Radio. She believes the stories of the learners and educators whom she serves provide hope for the future of public education and are important to share.