Thursday / March 13
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Lisa Williams is the director of equity and cultural proficiency for the Baltimore County Public Schools. She is a career educator, having served as classroom teacher, teacher mentor, Title I director, adjunct college professor, and educational consultant. She has expertise in culturally responsive instruction, creating equitable schools and school districts, and school transformation. Furthermore, she supports schools in implementing innovative initiatives that are designed to accelerate the achievement of underserved students. She believes that a quality educational experience is the linchpin to social and economic mobility. It doesn’t matter what vocation students aspire to, there is no getting around the ongoing progress of becoming educated. She believes in and is committed to helping educators make this journey a meaningful one for young people. She is committed because she knows that when education works, teachers and principals don’t see generation after generation of the same family in depressed communities. She knows that when public education works, teachers and principals do see mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers come back to depressed communities to serve as partners in the struggle to improve lives. She was born in Baltimore and attended Baltimore City Public Schools. Her own journey is a testament to what can happen when just one child is educated. Education continues to help her evolve into her own humanity and into the humanity of others.