Thursday / February 13
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John Fritzky is the Assistant Principal at Byram Intermediate School in New Jersey. He’s passionate about breaking down the walls separating parents, teachers, and students. Brad Gustafson is the Principal and Lead Learner at Greenwood Elementary in Minnesota. Brad is passionate about relationships, innovation, and best practice in a digitally connected age. Tony Sinanis is the Lead Learner at Cantiague Elementary in New York. He’s an Elementary School Principal of the Year, but his better known for always putting kids first. He is also the co-author of The Power of Branding. Together they are “3 Leaders Making Videos” and they collaborate on cross-state podcasts that provide students an authentic audience for their work. The three school leaders aspire to amplify student voice and leverage social media to tell their schools’ stories. Last year their students’ podcast, “Celebrate Creativity,” won a national Best EduCast award from TouchCast, and newspapers on two continents featured stories on the project. You can follow along with their students’ global projects via the hashtag #StuConnect on Twitter.