Tuesday / March 25
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Sue Chapman Ed.D. has served students and other math learners for over 40 years in the roles of teacher, mathematics coach, campus administrator, district curriculum coordinator, and teacher educator. She currently teaches mathematics methods courses to preservice teachers at the University of Houston Clear Lake and provides professional learning and coaching support to teachers and leaders. Sue is particularly passionate about building capacity in others through coaching and mindset awareness. Holly Burwell M.S. has served students, teachers, coaches, and leaders for 16 years in the roles of teacher, instructional coach, and math implementation specialist. Currently, she leads professional development for Mathematics and Math Instruction Specialist for Great Falls Public Schools. Holly is dedicated to supporting teachers in the classroom with growing mathematical learners and works alongside leaders to create a vision of mathematics teaching and learning in schools. Holly and Sue are authors of the upcoming Power Up Your Math Community: A 10-Month Practice-Based Learning Guide for Grades K-5, to be published by Corwin in September 2024.