Tuesday / March 25
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Brendan Soules is in his third year at California Polytechnic State University,.San Luis Obispo majoring in environmental management and protection. His interest in the environment began with the exploration of the rolling hills and mountains of his hometown, Thousand Oaks, California, and swimming in the nearby Pacific Ocean. His passion was further nurtured when he took an AP Environmental Science course in high schooll. He hopes to find a career in resource sustainability and encourage the widespread adoption of renewable energy.

Izzy Schireson is a third-year student at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, majoring in Environmental Management and Protection and minoring in Art History. She loves nature, being outdoors, working with animals and kids, and camping! In her free time, you can find her doing all types of arts and crafts, swimming, skiing/snowboarding, or surfing. She is also interested in non-profit work which she experienced at her internship with lsraAID, a humanitarian aid organization wh1ere she learned about natural!disaster relief and refugee aid. She hopes to find long term solutions to human caused climate issues in the future and help protect endangered species and their natural habitats.

Macee Hussey is in her fourth year at University of Colorado Boulder, majoring in environmental studies with a minor in atmospheric and oceanic sciences. Her main interests are in coral bleaching and restoration, as well as renewable energy. Growing up in the Pacific Northwest allowed her to connect with nature and grow a love for marine sciences. After college she plans to pursue a career in coral reef research and travel around the world studying the impacts of climate change.