Friday / March 28

A Clone in the Classroom? Leverage Technology to Maximize Your Impact

Professional learning communities (PLC) guru Rick DuFour wrote about the importance of using time as a variable to ensure learning for all students. He argued that although we know students vary in the amount of time needed for learning, we often provide all students with the same amount of time and expect all students to learn. This view holds time as a constant, which results in learning that varies by student. As long as time for learning is a constant, student learning will always be a variable (DuFour, DuFour, & Many, 2006).

To shift this formula, we must view time as a variable so that learning can be constant for all students. This requires us to think about time flexibly and consider ways to give all learners the time and instruction they need.

In chapter three of The Blended Learning Blueprint for Elementary Teachers, I propose three ways to leverage technology for maximizing instructional time for learners: determine how best to use face-to-face and online learning time, rethink how to structure the school day, and clone the teacher.

No, I’m not talking about lab experiments and test tubes. I’m talking about using technology to create opportunities for you to be in multiple places at once. When you clone yourself, you can provide targeted instruction for multiple individual students and/or small groups at once, maximizing your impact and increasing instructional time for students who need it.

We know that small group instruction is one of the most powerful uses of our time as teachers. However, you may sometimes worry about losing instructional time for students who are not in your small group lesson at any given moment. The solution? Push your small group instruction out to students. Use technology to design multiple targeted learning opportunities and push them out to students’ devices.

When you clone yourself, you can come close to replicating that powerful small group instruction experience for every student at the same time. Envision a classroom where all of these instructional opportunities are present for students simultaneously:

  • Teacher facilitates a targeted small group lesson with four or five students
  • A small group works through a Nearpod lesson that includes screencasts of the teacher and interactive practice opportunities
  • A small group watches a teacher-created video using Playposit and uses embedded prompts to take guided notes
  • A small group watches a screencast of teacher feedback on a student writing sample to make revisions to drafts

In this scenario, the entire class can be working through targeted small group instruction aligned with students’ specific learning needs. This is only a glimpse into one 20-30 minute chunk of time in one day. Imagine the impact of this type of instruction multiplied over time as you work with small groups day after day. As you work directly with students and spend time reviewing the work they do in their other small group opportunities, you will continue to gather feedback about their progress, allowing you to be increasingly responsive to student needs.

This approach gives you the freedom to use flexible grouping, providing students with the instruction they need at the moment they need it. As all students work through targeted learning opportunities, you can trust that you are maximizing instructional time for each student, not only the ones in your small group lesson.

Another benefit of creating these targeted learning opportunities is that, over time, you will build a database of teacher-created lessons and resources for students to access when and where they need them. Through feedback and conferences, you can direct students to specific resources to provide more opportunities for them to engage with instructional materials. Increased instructional time aligned with student needs can move us closer to DuFour’s vision of learning as a constant for all students.

To read more about strategies and tools for maximizing instructional time to meet student needs, order your own copy of The Blended Learning Blueprint for Elementary Teachers.

DuFour, R., DuFour, R., Eaker, R., & Many, T. (2006). Learning by doing: A handbook for professional learning communities at work. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree.

Written by

Corwin author Dr. Jayme Linton is Assistant Professor of Education at Lenoir-Rhyne University in Hickory, North Carolina. Jayme coordinates Lenoir-Rhyne’s graduate program in online teaching and instructional design. Previously, she held positions as Instructional Technology Facilitator, Staff Development Coordinator, Instructional Coach, and elementary teacher.

Latest comments

  • Love this idea but preparation is extremely time consuming. What do you recommend for the added load of preparation and so little time that teachers have?

    • Hi Lisa. This is an excellent question. Creating cloned lessons does take additional preparation time, but my recommendation to teachers is to start small. Some ways to start small include:

      — Use existing resources for cloned lessons like YouTube videos, Nearpod lessons, Playposit lessons, and other resources that were created by other teachers and ready-to-use.
      — Start with cloning only one content area or one time during your school day or week. Maybe you want to start by cloning your introductory literacy lesson at the start of each week or cloning one math lesson each week. Don’t try to create cloned lessons for use all day, every day.

      Another way to lighten the workload is to identify a team of teachers who are willing to join you in this work. If you can share the load with other educators, the time commitment will be easier to bear. If you can’t find teachers in your school or district who are interested in sharing the workload of creating cloned lessons, reach out via Twitter or other social media tools to find other teachers who teach your same grade level/content area and are willing to create and share cloned lessons.

      Best of luck getting started!!

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