Tuesday / October 22

“Smart Is Something You Can Get” [Free Download]

Last fall, Education Week published the results of a nationwide survey that showed 77% of K-12 teachers were familiar or very familiar with growth mindset, but 85% said they wanted more professional development in the area. In November, the New York Times ran an op-ed by David Kirp about how changing student expectations and mindsets—particularly for students of color or students of poverty—can have profound effects on achievement.

There’s no doubt that researchers and educators are realizing the importance of cultivating growth mindsets in students.

To celebrate this month’s theme and set the stage for professional learning for 2017, we are posting a free chapter from Jon Saphier’s High Expectations Teaching: How We Persuade Students to Believe and Act on “Smart Is Something You Can Get”. Click below to download the PDF.

Download the Introduction

We are also hosting a free webinar later today with Jon Saphier on “Making the Growth Mindset Come Alive in Classroom Practice.” Join us at 3:30pm PT/6:30pm ET for this free event! You can register here.

Written by

Charline is the Marketing Manager for Equity and Professional Learning at Corwin.

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