Monday / March 31

HS Technology Integration Lesson Plans [Free Download]

Technology is part of the fabric of our students’ lives. This is the last backpack generation—the last generation of students that will need to carry backpacks around, as mobile devices start to replace the textbooks, binders, notebooks, and tools we grew up carrying (Walker).

The use of technology in the classroom is a deliberate instructional practice, designed to reflect the realities of a global world, increase educators’ effectiveness and efficiency, and empower learners with greater choice and self-direction. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy!

Knowing the right technology to use for the right content at the right time is a tough skill to learn. In the new book, Teaching the Last Backpack Generation: A Mobile Technology Handbook for Secondary Educators, Zachary Walker, Don McMahon, and Kara Rosenblatt provide dozens of strategies to make the use of mobile devices a natural part of learning. They also share example lesson plans and lesson planning templates to help get you started.

Each lesson plan template begins with ideas for your own professional learning, and then guides readers through planning the elements of great lesson with technology. Click on the link below to see a sample Language Arts Lesson Plan and download one week of lesson plan templates!

Walker Download

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Zachary Walker is the founder of Last Backpack Generation and is currently a faculty member at the National Institute of Education in Singapore. He was one of five recipients of the 2012 Think College Emerging Scholar Award for his research on the use of technology to prepare students for post-secondary environments. His current research focuses on the impact of mobile technology on both students and teachers and practical strategies for teachers at all levels.

He is the co-author of Teaching the Last Backpack Generation. Visit his website:

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