Wednesday / March 26

5 Must-Have Resources for Back to School

Back to School

You’re probably going back to school soon, if you haven’t already. Be sure to check out these great resources recommended by some of Corwin’s staff! Use discount code N148B7 at check out.


  1. Student VoiceStudent Voice by Russ Quaglia and Mickey Corso

Sure, you may be listening to the parents and community and other stakeholders—which is great—but are you listening to the ones who have the biggest stake in our education system? Keep students at the forefront this year!

Get the book

Recommended by Arnis Burvikovs, Executive Editor


  1. Deliberate OptimismDeliberate Optimism by Debbie Silver, Jack Berckemeyer, and Judith Baenen

The beginning of school is a time of excitement, and often some trepidation. This book will help you start the school year refreshed, reinvigorated, and reminded of why you decided to become a teacher in the first place! It’s easy to get discouraged, but this great group of authors are here with stories and tips to inspire. Remember, you’re not alone!

Pre-order the book

Recommended by Desiree Bartlett, Senior Associate Editor


  1. Instructional CoachingInstructional Coaching by Jim Knight

It’s always the right time to continue becoming our best teacher-selves, and to help others do the same. This is a classic resource for coaches, staff developers, trainers, administrators, and other educators.

Get the book

Get the multi-media kit

Take the eCourse

Recommended by Kristin Anderson, Director of Professional Learning


  1. Putting Faces on the DataPutting Faces on the Data 5-hr eCourse

The start of the school year is so busy, that I love the opportunity to have a learning experience that is flexible for teachers. Finding the time to reflect on practice is so much easier when you know you’ll be watching short videos of other teachers describing their best instructional strategies, having an eBook chapter at your fingertips and developing some new strategies to incorporate into the classroom right away.

Take the eCourse

Recommended by Sarah Quesenberry, Associate Director of Online Learning


  1. The 1:1 RoadmapThe 1:1 Roadmap by Andrew Marcinek

Are you going 1:1 this year? So many schools are struggling with their 1:1 implementations. But it’s possible to do it right, where everyone wins, as Director of Technology Andy Marcinek has done with his schools. Learn from his success and put together a solid plan for your own school’s success!

Pre-order the book

Recommended by Ariel Bartlett, Acquisitions Editor


Use Discount Code: N148B7

Valid until 9/30/14

Written by

Ariel is the Acquisitions Editor for Technology and General Methods at Corwin, and editor of Corwin Connect. When not working, you can usually find Ariel doing yoga at the beach, reading with a glass of wine, or writing a book review on her blog, One Little Library.

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