Friday / April 19


Sometimes collective teacher efficacy and collective leader efficacy are built naturally, on the spur of a moment when we realize we need to improve a situation. Other times, leaders and teachers do not need to count on a good crisis to help them build collective teacher efficacy. Schools looking to

Visible Learning

As lifelong learners ourselves, at Lemm Elementary School we are always listening to our teachers and investigating strategies to support our teachers and student learning.

Teacher clarity is the precursor to student engagement. Professor John Hattie, author of Visible Learning, who compiled 500,000+ studies on student achievement, ranked teacher clarity

Valley View School District in Illinois unpacks data and evidence to achieve teacher clarity and improve student outcomes. While the use of data in schools has

Teaching Methods

Goal setting is a vital part of amplifying student learning and motivation. What kind of education do our students deserve now? Alongside all the other things

Back in the day before microwaves, iPhones, and Wordle there were the “Three Rs.” I was taught that a “sound” education comprised of these “Three Rs”

A mathematics strategy game typically refers to a game that is won by out-maneuvering one’s opponent. Such games abound in apps. Some more common to