Tuesday / March 25

Minute by minute, our world as we know it is changing before our eyes. Faced with such tremendous uncertainty, imagine what this feels like to our children! How best can we support them?  For starters, we must be adaptable and recognize that academics are far less important than offering solace and hope so that we encourage social connections

We have spent the last weeks watching many schools close their doors–some for the rest of this semester—to  control the number of COVID-19 infections. I am excited to see our society’s strong commitment to public health. As many of us teachers face the daunting task of serving our students by transitioning to online instruction, most for us the first

With the prospect of schools being out for a while, I will review some of the Visible Learning influences that may help understand what really matters and what does not matter as much.   First, does it matter that students are not in the physical place called school?  There is a body of research on the effects of losing school time, but