Saturday / March 29
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Trish Hatch, Ph.D. is Professor at San Diego State University and former Director of the School Counseling Program (2004-2015). She is the author of the Corwin best-seller The Use of Data in School Counseling: Hatching Results for Students, Programs and the Profession (2014) and co-author of the ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs (ASCA, 2003; 2005) and Evidence-Based Practice in School Counseling: Making a Difference with Data-Driven Practices (Dimmit, Carey & Hatch, 2007). These books are used throughout the nation for professional learning and preparation of school counselors.

Dr. Hatch is Executive Director and Founder of the Center for Excellence in School Counseling and Leadership (CESCaL), which aims to improve the profession of school counseling through policy and practice, as well as the President and CEO of Hatching Results®, LLC, an educational consulting company that provides training, consultation, grant writing, and program evaluation services to support school counselors, administrators, and school districts in designing, implementing, and evaluating school counseling programs.

Besides this, she serves as a national consultant and advisor on school counseling and educational issues for The White House and the US Department of Education. Recently she co-led the organization and planning of the second “invitation only” White House Convening on School Counseling at San Diego State University.

A former school counselor, site and central office administrator, state association president and ASCA Vice President, Dr. Hatch has received multiple national awards including the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Administrator of the Year Award and their highest honor, the Mary Gehrke Lifetime Achievement Award. She most recently received the National Association for College Admission Counseling’s (NACAC) Excellence in Equity Award (2015) and the inaugural California Association of School Counselors’ School Counselor Educator of the Year (2016).