Friday / March 28
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Rachel French, MA Ed. is an experienced international educator, having worked in schools in South America, Africa, Europe and Oceania. She is a certified Independent Consultant, Presenter, and Trainer with Lynn Erickson and Lois Lanning. She is the Director of Professional Learning International (PLI) founded to support international schools to access leading professional development. Through PLI Rachel French is now the sole provider of the annual ‘Dr. H Lynn Erickson and Dr. Lois A. Lanning Certification Institute for Concept-based Curriculum and Instruction Trainers and Presenters.’  She has presented numerous workshops in Europe and Asia including workshops with Dr. Erickson. She has presented on Concept-based Learning at the AEM International Baccalaureate Conferences and the AGIS conference (Association of German International Schools). Rachel works as a consultant supporting schools to plan and implement Concept-based Curriculum and Instruction. She also coaches and provides feedback to teams of teachers on curriculum development. Rachel is currently employed as PYP Coordinator at Frankfurt International School, and is an IB trained PYP workshop leader. She is experienced in aligning Concept-Based Curriculum material and the IB programmes. Rachel and her husband have two young children whom they cherish and continue to learn from each and everyday.