Friday / March 28
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Winner of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching, Linda M. Gojak directed the Center for Mathematics and Science Education, Teaching, and Technology (CMSETT) at John Carroll University for 16 years. She has spent 28 years teaching elementary and middle school mathematics, and has served as the president of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM), and the Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics. She is all about getting K-8 teachers and students active and excited about learning and doing mathematics. Her presentations are extremely practical. Teachers and administrators leave with many ideas for implementing effective teaching practices in the mathematics classroom. At the same time, she values and integrates the importance of building deep understanding of mathematics and ways to meet the needs of students at all levels of achievement. Building conceptual understanding of mathematical ideas and problem solving sit at the core of expertise. Linda is co-author of The Common Core Mathematics Companion: The Standards Decoded, Grades K-2 and The Common Core Mathematics Companion: The Standards Decoded, Grades 3-5. Follow her on Twitter: @LindaGojak