Wednesday / March 26
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James B. Short is the program director for Leadership and Teaching to Advance Learning in the Education Program at Carnegie Corporation of New York. His work at the foundation focuses on building capacity of teachers, principals, and system leaders to implement college and career-ready standards in language arts and reading, mathematics and science. He has been involved in education for over thirty years with an ongoing focus on the role of curriculum and professional learning in teacher development. He is the co-author of Transforming Teaching Through Curriculum-Based Professional Learning: The Elements.

Stephanie Hirsh is the former executive director of Learning Forward, a position she held for over a decade. Before her appointment as executive director, she served the association as deputy executive director for 18 years. Today she consults with foundations, organizations, education start-ups, and universities focused on issues of capacity building, equity, curriculum, and professional learning. She is the co-author of five books, including Transforming Teaching Through Curriculum-Based Professional Learning: The Elements.