Wednesday / March 12
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Andrea Honigsfeld, EdD, is a Professor in the School of Education at Molloy University, New York. Previously, she taught English as a foreign language in Hungary and English as a second language in New York City. She is the co-author of Co-Planning: 5 Essential Practices to Integrate Curriculum and Instruction for English Learners (2022) and Collaboration and Co-Teaching for Dual Language Learners (2023).

Audrey Cohan is Senior Dean for Research, Scholarship, and Graduate Studies at Molloy University. She began her career as a special education teacher in New York City and then moved to higher education teaching at the undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral levels. She has co-authored and co-edited multiple books, including Serving English Language Learners (2016), which earned Most Promising New Textbook Award, and From Equity Insights to Action: Critical Strategies for Teaching Multilingual Learners (2022).