Friday / March 7
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Paul Emerich France ( is a National Board Certified Teacher and education consultant. He is the author of Reclaiming Personalized Learning: A Pedagogy for Restoring Equity and Humanity in Our Classrooms. His work is featured in Edutopia, EdSurge, ASCD’s Educational Leadership, and Learning Forward’s The Learning Professional.

Kurtis Hewson is the co-founder of Jigsaw Learning and currently works with districts and schools nationally and internationally establishing Collaborative Response frameworks. With more than a decade of experience as a school admin­istrator, Kurtis has championed the call for collaborative struc­tures in schools to ensure suc­cess for all students. He is the co-author of Collaborative Response: The Three Foundational Components That Transform How We Respond to the Needs of Learners 

Lorna Hewson is a passion­ate educator who is co-founder and Lead Learner of Jigsaw Learning, a Canadian consult­ing company that provides support for educators. She is an engaging presenter, facilita­tor, coach, and mentor and has served to support classrooms, schools, and districts nation­ally and internationally. She is the co-author of Collaborative Response: The Three Foundational Components That Transform How We Respond to the Needs of Learners

Heather Rubin is the Administrative Coordinator for the New York State Education Department’s Long Island Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network (LIRBERN) at Eastern Suffolk BOCES. She present regularly on topics related to instructional design and technology integration for English Learners and provides school districts with professional learning and guidance in order to support the needs of English Learners and their families. She is the co-author of Digital Age Teaching for English Learners: A Guide to Equitable Learning for All Students.