Sunday / February 16
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Douglas Fisher, Ph.D., is Professor of Educational Leadership at San Diego State University and a teacher leader at Health Sciences High & Middle College. He is the recipient of an IRA Celebrate Literacy Award, NCTE’s Farmer Award for Excellence in Writing, as well as a Christa McAuliffe Award for Excellence in Teacher Education. He is also the author of PLC+The PLC+ PlaybookThis is Balanced LiteracyThe Teacher Clarity Playbook, Grades K-12, Teaching Literacy in the Visible Learning Classroom for Grades K-5 and 6-12, Visible Learning for Mathematics, Grades K-12 and several other Corwin books.

Nancy Frey, Ph.D., is Professor of Literacy in the Department of Educational Leadership at San Diego State University. The recipient of the 2008 Early Career Achievement Award from the National Reading Conference, she is also a teacher-leader at Health Sciences High & Middle College and a credentialed special educator, reading specialist, and administrator in California. She has been a prominent Corwin author, publishing numerous books including PLC+, The PLC+ Playbook, This is Balanced Literacy, The Teacher Clarity Playbook, Grades K-12, Engagement by Design, Rigorous Reading, Texas Edition, and many more.

Nancy Akhavan is a sought-after author and speaker who works with teachers and leaders across the U.S. Nationally, Nancy provides professional development and consulting to organizations, schools and school districts. She coaches school leaders and leadership teams to develop effective instructional practices focused on student achievement, to create systems for organizational effectiveness in management and to create coherence within school districts and schools. She has also provided professional development to school and district leaders on leadership, literacy and equity and has helped hundreds of teachers in their classrooms. Her books published with Corwin include This is Balanced Literacy, Grades K-6, The Big Book of Literacy Tasks, Grades K-8and The Nonfiction Now Lesson Bank, Grades 4-8.