Tuesday / October 22
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Cathleen Beachboard is the author of The School of Hope: The Journey From Trauma and Anxiety to Achievement, Happiness, and Resilience. After adopting five children out of a case of extreme abuse and neglect, she has been on a mission to improve outcomes for those who experience trauma and anxiety. Cathleen has taught middle school English for the past 15 years. She also works as a part-time researcher holding an M.A. in Psychology.

Dr. Debbie Silver is a humorist, consultant, and retired educator with over thirty years of experience as a classroom teacher, staff development facilitator, and university professor. She is the author of the bestselling books Fall Down 7 Times, Get Up 8 (2021); Teaching Kids to Thrive (2017); and Deliberate Optimism (2014).

Dr. Lee Ann Jung is founder and CEO of Lead Inclusion, a small company that provides professional trainings, courses, and consulting to teachers and schools. She and her team provide support to schools in the areas of universal design for learning, inclusion, intervention, and mastery-based assessment and grading. Lee Ann is the author of eight books, including the new release Seen, Heard, and Valued: Universal Design for Learning and Beyond.