Attended the 9th Annual Visible Learning Conference with us? Couldn’t attend and want an overview of what you missed/ a preview of what is to come at AVL 2022? Let’s take a quick look back at this year’s conference:
- Over 1,000 attendees joined us virtually from all around the globe for multiple days of high-impact learning led by authors, thought-leaders, and educational experts including John Hattie, Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, John Almarode, Karen Flories, Dominique Smith, Cathy Lassiter, Nicole Law, and more! Our learning kicked-off with tunes from our virtual DJ and a warm introduction from Dr. Sonja Hollins-Alexander, Corwin Senior Director of Professional Learning, author, and MC extraordinaire, and President of Corwin, Mike Soules. Folks had the opportunity to dive into 6 keynote sessions and over 30 breakout sessions that spanned critical content areas that we need to keep the learning momentum moving forward for the 2021-2022 school year. Hundreds of attendees also dove into our pre- and post-conference sessions to maximize their learning experiences!
See some of our session topic areas:
- Leveraging Student Voice to Know, Act, and Evaluate Our Impact
- Formative Assessment in A Brain-compatible Classroom: How Do We Really Know They’re Learning?
- Applying and Building Resilience in Students Impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences
- The location of AVL 2022 was announced, we will see you in…DENVER, CO! We were elated for the opportunity to announce the return to an in-person AVL experience – particularly as it will align with 10th Annual Visible Learning Conference. We were met with OVERWHELMING response from attendees who shared in our elation and immediately began asking about conference themes, speaker line-ups, and how they can save their seat. Information regarding next year’s event agenda, pricing, and location is readily available here featuring Early Bird discounts for a limited time, but you will have to stay tuned for the announcement of the conference theme…😊
- What’s a VL+ School Award and who won this year? As tradition, we had the wonderful opportunity to award a school with a Visible Learning+ School Award. This year, we are thrilled to award South Effingham Elementary School from Guyton, GA with an Associate School Award! South Effingham Elementary School has demonstrated that their teachers and administrators have implemented the Visible Learning+ work (from mindframes to learner dispositions and everything in-between) with fidelity for one whole year and their impact speaks for itself. They attribute their success and ability to move through the pandemic and keep their students moving forward to the Visible Learning work. Their students understand what makes a good learner and how being a good learner is more than just being a good student. Congratulations to South Effingham Elementary School– what an amazing accomplishment so far! Learn more about the Visible Learning+ School Awards and find out how to apply.
- It’s all about the research data. Don’t forget, you can reference Visible Learning Metax to see all up-to-date effect sizes, influences, analyses, and more. Metax is your one stop shop for all Visible Learning research data and is the world’s largest database of what works best in education. Stay tuned for new data added to Metax very soon!
- Social butterflies spread their wings! Engagement, engagement, engagement – it’s critical in the classroom and it’s critical during professional learning events. Attendee’s this year positively FLOODED Twitter with AVL related questions, content, answers to our Corwin trivia questions, and applicable memes utilizing #AVL2021 keeping spirits high and learning at the forefront. Not to mention, engaged folks were eligible to win coveted Corwin prizes!
AVL 2021 drew to a close with a powerful keynote from John Almarode and John Hattie on Sustaining Our Impact, highlighting the instructional practices that have the greatest impact on student learning, the establishment and maintenance of high expectations, and continuous analysis of our impact. We had explosive engagement from our attendees in the chat on their plans to apply the tools, strategies, and learnings to their classroom in the fall and engaged in bittersweet “see you late-r’s” to our AVL attendees…until next year! Until then remember, to fully put Visible Learning into action, implementation is key. Check out Visible Learning+ professional learning services to accelerate student learning by focusing on what works best in your unique school or district.