At Corwin, we focus on resources to help meet teachers where they’re at TODAY. Our books in Literacy, Mathematics, and Science/STEM are award-winning and proven to enhance learning using research-backed teaching methods. Throughout March on Corwin Connect, you’ll find a deep dive into the content areas, in which thought leaders share best practices and new research for teaching in each subject area.
To start off the month, check out some of our newest books across the disciplines!
Teaching Literacy in the Visible Learning Classroom, Grades K-5 and Grades 6-12
By Doug Fisher, Nancy Frey, John Hattie, and Marisol Thayre
In these follow-up books to Visible Learning for Literacy, the authors share structures and tools that have high-impact on learning, and insights on which stage of learning they have that high impact.
Feedback That Moves Writers Forward
By Patty McGee
The number one challenge of student writers today isn’t word choice, logic, voice, or even grammar and spelling—it’s buy-in. In Feedback That Moves Writers Forward, Patty McGee shares how to’s for teaching that changes the writing-as-obligation vibe for good. She demonstrates the way feedback can inspire students to reach new heights as writers.
What Do I Teach Readers Tomorrow? Fiction and Non-Fiction
By Gravity Goldberg and Renee W. Houser
In these books, Gravity Goldberg and Renee Houser take the guesswork out of determining students’ needs with a moment-to-moment guide focused on the decisions that make the biggest impact on readers’ skill development.
Every Math Learner, Grades K-5 and Grades 6-12
By Nanci N. Smith
As an elementary teacher, you know that students are different and learn differently. And yet, when students enter your classroom, you somehow must teach these unique individuals deep mathematics content using rigorous standards. Is differentiation really the answer? How can it be done well and in less time?
Nationally recognized math differentiation expert Nanci Smith debunks the myths, revealing what differentiation is and isn’t. In this engaging book Smith reveals a practical approach to teaching for real learning differences. You’ll gain insights into an achievable, daily differentiation process for ALL students.
The Formative 5: Everyday Assessment Techniques for Every Math Classroom
By Francis (Skip) Fennell, Beth McCord Kobett, and Jonathan A. Wray
Imagine how it would feel to not worry about how to plan, teach, and check for student mathematical understandings and related proficiencies. Imagine if this important process felt like a natural, every day, part of your lesson preparation instead of an extra thing to do. This must-have resource shows the way.
NCTM Past President, Francis “Skip” Fennell, and nationally-recognized mathematics educators Beth McCord Kobett and Jonathan (Jon) Wray, offer five of the most impactful, proven assessment techniques—Observations, Interviews, “Show Me,” Hinge Questions, and Exit Tasks— you can implement, every day. Tried and tested by teachers just like you, you’ll find that this palette of classroom-based techniques will truly assess learning and inform teaching.
By Ronit Bird
The new edition of the bestselling Dyscalculia Toolkit continues to meet the needs of specialist and non-specialist teachers working with learners aged 6 to 14 years, who have difficulty with maths and number.
Now with over 200 activities and 50 games, new and improved illustrations, and an expanded list of recommended readings, useful websites & resources, the new edition also includes exclusive access to a brand new companion website featuring video and over 70 downloadable resources.
Your Mathematics Standards Companion, Grades K-2, 3-5, and 6-8
By Linda Gojak, Ruth Harbin Miles, and Lois A. Williams
In these brand-new versions of the Common Core Mathematics Companions, the authors provide a Smart Chart Index for all states implementing state-specific mathematics standards. This index allows you to see in an instant which of your standards are the same as CCSS-M, which differ and how—and which page number to turn to for standards-based teaching ideas.
Arguing From Evidence in Middle School Science
By Jonathan Osborne, Brian M. Donovan, J. Bryan Henderson, Anna C. MacPherson, and Andrew Wild
If you’ve ever struggled to help students make scientific arguments from evidence, this practical, easy-to-use activity book is for you! Give your students the critical scientific practice today’s science standards require. You’ll discover strategies and activities to effectively engage students in arguments about competing data sets, opposing scientific ideas, applying evidence to support specific claims, and more.
Learning Science by Doing Science
By Alan Colburn
Science education is becoming more rigorous than ever, but that doesn’t have to make it more difficult. In this straightforward and witty book, Alan Colburn has adapted classic investigations to help students in grades 3 through 8 truly think and act like scientists. Chapter by chapter, this accessible primer walks you through classic science investigations, discussing how each one illustrates a “big idea” about the nature of science, and offering clear links to the Next Generation Science Standards and its Science and Engineering Practices.
Teaching for Conceptual Understanding in Science
By Richard Konicek-Moran and Page Keeley
What do you get when you bring together two of NSTA’s bestselling authors to ponder ways to deepen students’ conceptual understanding of science? A fascinating combination of deep thinking about science teaching, field-tested strategies you can use in your classroom immediately, and personal vignettes all educators can relate to and apply themselves.
Teaching for Conceptual Understanding in Science is by Richard Konicek-Moran, a researcher and professor who wrote the Everyday Science Mysteries series, and Page Keeley, a practitioner and teacher educator who writes the Uncovering Student Ideas in Science series.
All Disciplines
By James Nottingham
Challenge makes learning more interesting. That’s one of the reasons to encourage your students to dive into the learning pit—a state of cognitive conflict that forces students to think more deeply, critically, and strategically until they discover their “eureka” moment. Nottingham, an internationally known author and consultant, will show you how to promote challenge, dialogue, and a growth mindset.
Concept-Based Curriculum & Instruction for the Thinking Classroom, 2nd edition
By Lynn Erickson, Lois Lanning, and Rachel French
Knowing the facts is not enough. If we want students to develop intellectually, creatively problem-solve, and grapple with complexity, the key is in conceptual understanding. A Concept-Based curriculum recaptures students’ innate curiosity about the world and provides the thrilling feeling of engaging one’s mind.
Tools for Teaching Conceptual Understanding, Secondary
By Julie Stern, Krista Ferraro, and Juliet Mohnkern
nnovators don’t invent without a deep understanding of how the world works. With this foundation, they apply conceptual understanding to solve new problems. We want our students to not only retain ideas, but relate them to other things they encounter, using each new situation to add nuance and sophistication to their thinking. To do this, they need conceptual understanding.
This book serves as a road map for Concept-Based teaching. Discover how to help students uncover conceptual relationships and transfer them to new situations.
Cultivating Communication in the Classroom
By Lisa Johnson
Students are expected to be innovators, creative thinkers, and problem solvers. But what if they can’t communicate their ideas persuasively? Just because many students are raised communicating through technology doesn’t mean they know how to use it effectively. Knowing how to share ideas is as crucial as the ideas themselves. Unfortunately, many students don’t get explicit opportunities to hone this skill.
Cultivating Communication in the Classroom will help educators design authentic learning experiences that allow students to practice their skills.
Rigorous PBL by Design: Three Shifts for Developing Confident and Competent Learners
By Michael McDowell
When problem- and project-based learning (PBL) is designed and delivered effectively, it has the potential to create confident and competent learners. Educators must know how to thoughtfully design projects that move students from surface to deep and transfer learning.
Bridge the gap between expected PBL success and real-life classroom implementation by diving deep into the design for new and existing projects.