“Leaders and would-be leaders today face double jeopardy. The demands on them are multifarious, disjointed, relentless, and chaotic. And the advice they receive—from their bosses, books, workshops, job descriptions, and consultants—is an amalgam of half-truths, vague generalities, piecemeal solutions, and ad hoc good ideas. Yet there has never been a time when the contribution of good leaders is more urgently required. Indelible leadership is a term I use interchangeably with deep leadership: Leaders who self-consciously focus on deep change and do so by mobilizing other leaders at all levels of the system, thereby building capacity for today and for tomorrow. If such leaders learn every day and help others learn how to learn, they know that when it comes time to depart they can always leave them learning. We need deep leadership devoted to achieving deep learning outcomes.” – Michael Fullan
Indelible Leadership: Always Leave Them Learning by Michael Fullan will help you discover six specific leadership attributes to stimulate deep learning—and deep leadership—that transforms schools for the future.