Thursday / January 9

Flipping Leadership Doesn’t Mean Reinventing the Wheel

Corwin Connected Educators

Contributed by Megan Arias, Director, Secondary Education, Carlsbad Unified School District

Flipping LeadershipAt the International Visible Learning Conference in Carlsbad, CA, Peter Dewitt explained and gave examples of flipped teaching, flipped classrooms, and flipped meetings. He uses flipping to find engaging ways to address learning intentions. He describes how sending the video out first allows for deeper discussions in a meeting. The flipped model engages the audience before so that the meeting time is maximized. He described and modeled how to use the Touchcast app or You Tube to create the video. He stressed the importance of involving the stakeholders first to make sure that the information you are flipping is meaningful. The videos need to be kept less than 5 minutes and need to be meaningful and have a purpose. Some ideas were to use it to showcase events at the school, to inform an audience about a new law or program, make learning at the school more visible, communicate vision and goals, inspire discussions about learning, share student views of school experiences, share elements of visible teaching, have curriculum teams share their focus on learning, and send out common core information to parents.

To find out more about flipping your leadership, check out Peter’s new book and see his blog post, “Flipping Leadership to Make Learning Visible.”

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Ariel is the Acquisitions Editor for Leadership at Corwin, and editor of Corwin Connect. When not working, you can usually find Ariel hiking, rock climbing, practicing yoga, reading with a glass of wine, or writing a book review on her blog, One Little Library.