Thursday / March 27
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Susan Fitzell, M. Ed has been touching lives in public schools and beyond since 1980. She has over two decades of experience identifying and meeting the needs of youth with special needs, behavioral and anger management issues, and students who experience bullying. Susan’s work focuses on building caring, inclusive school communities and helping students and teachers succeed in the inclusive classroom. Susan is a dynamic, nationally recognized presenter and educational consultant specializing in special education & Response to Intervention topics, co-teaching, bullying prevention, and adolescent anger management. She provides practical strategies to increase achievement of ALL students in ALL classrooms. Susan’s motto is, “Good for all, critical for students who learn differently.” Susan’s greatest satisfaction comes from helping teachers make a positive impact using practical, doable strategies that fuel positive, measurable results. Whether she’s doing a one day workshop or long-term consulting, Susan’s straight forward, common sense approach always yields positive results.