Tuesday / March 25
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Michael Fullan, Order of Canada, is professor emeritus at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto. He served as special adviser in education to Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty from 2003 to 2013, and now serves as one of four advisers to Premier Kathleen Wynne. Michael has been awarded honorary doctorates from the University of Edinburgh, University of Leicester, Nipissing University, Duquesne University, and The Hong Kong Institute of Education. He consults with governments and school systems in several countries.

Fullan has won numerous awards for his more than 30 books, including the 2015 Grawemeyer prize with Andy Hargreaves for Professional Capital. His books include the best sellers Leading in a Culture of Change, The Six Secrets of Change, Change Leader, All Systems Go, Motion Leadership, and The Principal: Three Keys to Maximizing Impact. His latest books are Evaluating and Assessing Tools in the Digital Swamp (with Katelyn Donnelly), Leadership: Key Competencies (with Lyle Kirtman), and Freedom to Change. To learn more, visit his website at

Joanne Quinn is the Director of Whole System Change and Capacity Building at Michael Fullan Enterprises, where she leads the design of strategic whole system capacity building at the global, national and district levels. As well she serves as the Director of Global Capacity Building for New Pedagogies for Deep Learning: A Global Partnership focused on transforming learning. Previously she provided leadership at all levels of education as a Superintendent, Implementation Advisor to the Ontario Ministry of Education, Director of Continuing Education at the University of Toronto, and as Special Advisor on International Projects. She consults internationally on whole system change, capacity building, leadership and professional learning and is sought by professional organizations and institutions as a consultant, advisor and speaker. These diverse leadership roles and her passion to improve learning for all give her a unique perspective on influencing positive change.