Tuesday / March 25
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Ann Mausbach is the author of School Leadership through the Seasons: A Guide to Staying Focused and Getting Results All Year (Routledge Eye on Education, 2016), Align the Design: A Blueprint for School Improvement (ASCD, 2008), and Leading Student-Centered Coaching (Corwin 2018). These books provide practical guidance to school leaders interested in creating lasting reform in their schools. Ann has served as a central office leader in a variety of roles including Coordinator of Staff Development, Director of Curriculum, Director of Elementary Education and an Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction. She holds a PhD from the University of Kansas. She currently works as an Assistant Professor for Educational Leadership at Creighton University in Omaha, NE.

Kim Kazmierczak, co-author of School Leadership through the Seasons: A Guide to Staying Focused and Getting Results All Year (Routledge Eye on Education, 2016) and Differentiated Supervision (Corwin, 2022), is the principal of an urban elementary school located in the Midwest. Her administrative experiences have included elementary, middle and district administration for over twenty years. She has primarily worked in at-risk environments addressing complicated issues of equity, poverty, homelessness and special education. She was named Middle School Principal of the Year by School Administrators of Iowa in 2016. She has been the coordinator for new teacher induction, McKinney Vento Homeless Grant and Safe and Drug Free Schools.