Friday / March 28
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Lucy was a Deputy Principal before joining Challenging Learning. Now she is responsible for growing our network of schools; broadening our teaching and learning resources; and extending our consultancy provision in the UK and overseas.

Having trained as a teacher in Leeds, Lucy taught across the primary age range (3-11 year old) in some of the most socially deprived and challenging areas in England. She then completed her NQML (National Qualification for Middle Leadership) and took the position of Deputy Head with a responsibility for raising attainment and progress, particularly in Literacy.

Lucy continues to engage with trends and research connected with learning. She has compared many of the meta-analyses relating to student achievement and adapted current teaching practices in response to the evidence. This is always for the benefit of both staff and students.

Lucy loves the countryside and walking with her two Jack Russells, Mable and Maude. She is also an accomplished and avid horse rider.