Tuesday / March 4
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Christina Luce has taught in the Liverpool Central School District since 2002. She spent 10 years in 6th grade and is presently teaching 3rd grade at Nate Perry Elementary. Christina graduated in 1999 from the University of Toronto with an Honors Bachelor of Science Degree with an Environmental Science Specialist. She graduated with a Bachelor in Education from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto in 2000, and obtained her Master of Science Education from SUNY Cortland in 2004. Follow Christina on Twitter: @ChristinaMLuce. In addition to being a “Connected Educator,” Christina is passionate about the integration of technology in the elementary classroom. She believes that utilizing technology to reach out to the school community, as well as the global community, provides teachers with the occasion to extend learning beyond the classroom walls and promote digital citizenship. Based on staff needs and her personal expertise, she conducts workshops or tutorials for her colleagues on topics such as the use of social media in education, iPad applications, web site design, and web related resources to foster a home-school connection. Christina has established a class Twitter account for her students where she has connected to her students’ families, as well as other classrooms, practitioners, and authors from around the world. You can follow her class on Twitter: @LuceClassPage.