Monday / March 31

June Spotlight on Corwin Author Consulting

“Successful and lasting instructional transformation is too complicated to happen in a helter-skelter fashion, and schools will not make sustained improvements if they simply skip from one trend to the next. Therefore, Professional Learning that makes an impact should provide a clear focus for sustained growth and recognize teachers as professionals doing emotionally complicated knowledge work.” –Jim Knight

Corwin’s commitment to making a lasting impact with meaningful professional learning is reflected in Knight’s foundational quote above. We realize that sustainable improvement in student achievement requires time, resources, and the right partners with the right solutions. For over 25 years, Corwin has helped schools and districts across the country put the research of leading experts into action for the benefit of teachers and students.

In late 2012, Corwin launched our Author Consulting program that took our best-selling authors’ years of research and applied it to the classroom through onsite keynote, institutes, seminars, workshops, and sustained implementation. In doing so, Corwin effectively went “beyond the book” by extending these concepts and bringing them to life through process and practice. Fast forward two years and we now have nearly 200 author consultants in our pool and can offer long-term support and services ranging from anti-bullying to culturally proficient schools, from close reading to instruction, from leadership to data and collaboration.

Corwin offers solutions from top experts in education and programs that combine research with practical application. We have partnered with some of the world’s leading experts in education, including John Hattie, Jim Knight, James Popham, Larry Ainsworth, Russell Quaglia, Gary Howard, Douglas Fisher, and Nancy Frey to provide systemic, long-term support through a programmatic approach. By allowing our author consultants to focus deeply on implementing their research, Corwin is able to help people make sustained improvements over time. As Knight stated, schools can achieve continued growth through focusing and deeply implementing practices that will transform instruction. Our work is based on multiple years of research, which is vital to all at Corwin because what we do has great efficacy and impact on student achievement.

Written by

Kristin Anderson is Corwin’s Senior Director of Professional Learning. You can contact her at

Scott Monsma is one of Corwin’s Professional Learning Specialists. You can contact him at

Visit our website for more information on how to become a Corwin Author Consultant.

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