Thursday / October 10

Podcast PD: A Professional Learning Strategy to Earn District Credit for Podcast Listening

Podcasts offer educators a professional learning option that I like to call Podcast PD. School districts often encourage teachers to create their own professional learning opportunities so why not include listening to podcasts? Corwin’s Teacher to Teacher Podcast episodes offer educators wisdom that is based on experience in schools.

Instead of sitting in a conference room at an appointed time viewing a Powerpoint and listening to a lecture, podcast listening gives us the freedom to choose an episode that is meaningful, and it allows us to reflect on the message and see how it applies to our context.  Some teachers like to walk while listening and others prefer to put their feet up and absorb the message more quietly. You can even listen in the car going to and from school. There is no right or wrong way to listen to teacher wisdom!

As the host of the Teacher to Teacher Podcast, I have had the privilege of leading conversations with brilliant, wise educators who have generously shared their time and insights. In each episode, these guests share pivotal moments in their careers, successful classroom strategies, and personal actions they take to minimize stress and stay healthy.

Follow these easy steps to create an experience that gives you district credit for listening, reflecting, and applying teacher wisdom in your own classroom. These steps are outlined for use with the Teacher to Teacher Podcast in mind.

Create Your Podcast PD Plan!

Step 1: Request approval from your district leaders. Who is responsible for awarding professional development credit in your district? Submit a Podcast PD Plan that lists the episodes you will listen to during this self-development experience. Select ten episodes from Seasons 1–3 of the Teacher to Teacher Podcast to get started.

Step 2: Choose your preferred style of learning. How would you like to listen and learn from other teachers?

Individual Learning. Listen on your own. Complete your reflection journal and log as a self-directed study.

Partner Sharing. Find a partner. This person could be your mentor, a coach or an interested colleague. Select ten episodes together and listen on your own time. Schedule time to talk in person or virtually to unpack the episode insights with each other.

Small Group Discussion.  Create a small group in your department, grade level, or within the district. Choose ten episodes for the group or let each member create their own “listening list” and share the episodes during three scheduled virtual or in person group meetings. Appoint a group leader to keep time and encourage everyone to share.

Step 3: Reflect and document your learning in a PD journal. Respond to questions for each episode in writing to verify that you completed your learning and can log your time. Use these sample questions or create your own:

1) What stood out in this episode that was meaningful?

2) How could the practical strategies you heard work for you?

3) What did you hear about maintaining balance that was useful?

Step 4: Log your time. All the episodes have recording times listed in the descriptions. Be sure to add your writing time and sharing time with your partner or small group. If you are interested in learning more and logging more PD time listen to the bonus tracks in season 3 and review the resources in Seasons 1 and 2. Click here to download a sample log.

Step 5: Explore Optional enrichment!  Read selections from the two books that inspired the podcast themes and learn more about the guest teachers. Add this additional time to your log.

Seasons 1–2 include quests from When I Started Teaching I Wish I Had Known… In each of these episodes you will hear from a teacher whose story is featured in the book. Read those chapters that relate to the podcast theme.

Season 3 is organized around Teaching With Light: Ten Lessons for Finding Wisdom, Balance, and Inspiration. Read lesson chapters related to podcast titles.

Step 6: Submit your Podcast PD journal and time log.  Follow the district process for verifying and receiving your credit!

Repeat! Choose ten more episodes and continue to learn!

I hope listening to the Teacher to Teacher Podcast episodes energizes you, keeps you inspired, and reminds you why you chose to become a teacher. You deserve to get credit for Podcast PD!

The Teacher to Teacher Podcast is available on the Corwin website, AppleSpotify, and YouTube.


Written by

Carol Pelletier Radford EdD is the founder of Mentoring in Action Mentoring in Action, author of two Corwin books that help teachers keep their light shining; Teaching With Light: Ten Lessons for Finding Wisdom, Balance, and Inspiration and When I Started Teaching I Wish I Had Known…Weekly Wisdom For Beginning Teachers. Listen to Corwin’s Teacher to Teacher podcast to be inspired by more teacher wisdom.

Teacher to Teacher with Carol Pelletier Radford

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