Friday / March 28

Corwin Webinar Series: Collective Leader Efficacy Strengthening Instructional Leadership Teams

Shared Leadership — Are You Sharing Leadership to Boost Student Achievement?

Collective leader efficacy (CLE) is a shared conviction among a school leadership team that they can improve the learning environment for all students. Unfortunately, many school leadership teams lack this conviction. In this presentation, Peter DeWitt, E.D. provides the research, explains the drivers, and engages participants in the cycle of inquiry that will help leadership teams develop collective leader efficacy as a leadership team.

Participants will be able to
• Define collective leader efficacy (CLE)
• Develop an understanding of how leadership teams should function
• Define certain drivers necessary to develop collective leader efficacy as a team
• Engage in a cycle of inquiry where they can define a theory of action
• Develop a program logic model to help them plan actionable steps

In this presentation, Peter DeWitt, E.D. provides the research, explains the drivers, and engages participants in the cycle of inquiry that will help leadership teams develop collective leader efficacy as a leadership team.

Presented by Peter DeWitt. Moderated by Tanya Ghans.


Learn more about Collective leader efficacy in Peter DeWitt’s new book, Collective Leader Efficacy: Strengthening Instructional Leadership Teams.

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