Tuesday / March 25

#PlungeIntoTech Summer Reading List + FREE Summer PD

It’s hard to keep up with all of the latest and greatest technologies—and plan how you’ll integrate them throughout the school year. These books are easy reads packed full of fresh ideas to get you started. Take them along on your summer vacation!

If you’re looking for a fun and easy way to learn about tech through summer PD, join the authors for our FREE #PlungeIntoTech Summer Webinar series. We’ll also be giving away over $200 in books!

  1. Deeper Learning With QR Codes and Augmented Reality by Monica Burns

What if your students’ mobile devices became an instructional asset rather than a distraction? Discover how free, scannable technology can enrich learning while captivating students. Best of all, these technologies are easy to implement within your classroom. To get you started, read 10 Things You Need to Know About #ScannableTech.

  1. Courageous Edventures by Jennie Magiera

Let’s go on an edventure! Many educators want to boldly innovate and take risks in their teaching, but hesitate when they meet challenges. Whatever obstacles you and your students face in the classroom, you can navigate them with grace, humor, and grit. In this practical book, Jennie Magiera charts a course through the limitless possibilities of using technology in the classroom. With lesson plans, videos, and other resources, you’ll discover your own version of classroom innovation. Follow the hashtag #CourageousEdventures to join the edventure!

  1. Redesigning Learning Spaces by Robert Dillon, Erin Klein, A.J. Juliani, and Benjamin Gilpin

Bring hope, joy, and positive energy back into the daily work of the classroom. Explore how learning space design can positively impact classroom learning, the culture of a school, healthy communities, and systems and structures that make education meaningful. This book will show how you can redesign any learning space on a budget, with insights from teachers and leaders who’ve done it!

  1. Blended Learning in Action by Catlin Tucker, Jason Green, and Tiffany Wycoff

In her first book, Catlin Tucker showed how teachers can engage students and design lessons for a blended space. This new book will show teachers and leaders how to make blended learning a reality across the school—from forming a cohesive vision and rethinking professional development, to onboarding students and knowing where to find the best digital curricula.

  1. Teaching the Last Backpack Generation by Zachary Walker, Don McMahon, and Kara Rosenblatt

Technology is part of the fabric of our students’ lives. This is the last backpack generation—the last generation of students that will need to carry backpacks around, as mobile devices start to replace the textbooks, binders, notebooks, and tools we grew up carrying (Walker).

Knowing the right technology to use for the right content at the right time is a tough skill to learn. In this new book, Zachary Walker, Don McMahon, and Kara Rosenblatt provide dozens of strategies to make the use of mobile devices a natural part of learning. They also share example lesson plans and lesson planning templates to help get you started.

  1. Going Google by Jared Covili

Google is more than a search engine—it offers many tools that give people the opportunity to work virtually from anywhere, with anyone, at any time they choose. And these tools are available to teachers and students for free. This book for K-12 educators explores the wide array of Google tools and shows how to use them in the classroom to foster digital learning.

Keep a look-out for the new edition, coming this fall!

  1. How to Personalize Learning by Barbara Bray and Kathleen McClaskey

Personalized learning is the key to making sure all of your students’ needs are met. Personalized learning means that students are driving their learning and expressing understanding in ways that make sense for them. But how do you actually accomplish that in the classroom?

In their first book, Make Learning Personal, Bray and McClaskey introduced us to the What, Who, WOW, Where, and Why of personalized learning. Now, they show us HOW to personalize learning through the framework Access, Engage, and Express.

  1. The Relevant Educator by Tom Whitby and Steven Anderson

Social media is a game-changer, and no one knows it better than experts Tom Whitby and Steven Anderson. This information-packed resource makes it easy to build a thriving professional network for life-long learning using social media. Easy-to-implement ideas, essential tools, and real-life vignettes help teachers learn to grow a collaborative, high-quality PLN using Twitter, blogging, LinkedIn, and more.

We hope you enjoy these books and join us to #PlungeIntoTech!

Written by

Ariel is the Acquisitions Editor for Technology and General Methods at Corwin, and editor of Corwin Connect. When not working, you can usually find Ariel doing yoga at the beach, reading with a glass of wine, or writing a book review on her blog, One Little Library.

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