Monday / March 24

Write for Corwin Connect!

Corwin Connect is YOUR space for collaborative professional learning. Are you an educator with a blog idea or helpful resource that you would like to share with the teacher community? Join our community of educators sharing insights and best practices through articles and meaningful dialogue in these areas: Professional Learning, Leadership, Equity, Educational Technology, Literacy, Math, STEM, and Teaching. Educators visit Corwin Connect because it is a valuable resource of veritable, practical knowledge. Thought leaders are looking for the expertise and the resources (be it a recently published book, PD, or a downloadable resource) to help them do their important work better.

We know you’re working hard pouring your thoughts and energy into educating our children. We want to hear about your success stories. We want to know how you are empowering learning—for students, for educators, for yourself.

Why Should You Blog?

Blogging has many benefits for all educators – whether you’re just starting your career or you’re a seasoned consultant or author. Blogging is an opportunity for:

  • Reflection – What have you learned lately? What’s been your recent “aha!” moment? By sharing your journey you help other educators learn from your successes (and even your mistakes!).
  • Connection – Isolation is a common problem among educators, but by telling your stories, you give other educators the chance to get to know you. There’s a whole movement of Connected Educators who believe in the power of using social media (including blogging) to support each other and become better educators together.
  • Contribution – Have you developed an all-star lesson plan? Learned what really works for engaging students? Survived a harrowing first year of teaching? Blogging is your chance to pass along knowledge to help other educators.

Want to Write for Us?

Complete the contact form below with a brief proposal. Please allow up to two weeks for the Corwin  Connect Editorial team to respond to your proposal.


Be sure to view our Corwin Connect Post Guidelines


If you have a book proposal for us, please visit this page for further instructions.